Other Years' Recipients: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  Previous Years




Economic Self Sufficiency and Security  |   $93,000

Health & Well Being  |  $99,000

Leadership & Empowerment  |  $106,000


Big Sister Association of Greater Boston

Community-based Mentoring and Enrichment in Essex County

This program trains Big Sister volunteers and matches them with Little Sisters. Through regular, one-to-one meetings, the Big Sisters mentor their Little Sisters and help them develop confidence, create healthy lifestyles, and build resilience to lead productive lives.



Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence

Dance Academy

Girls ages 7 to 18 participate in after-school dance instruction and are given academic support in an effort to foster fitness, self-esteem, and positive personal development.



Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem

Miss Representation Project

In two cohorts, for girls ages 8 to 12 and 13 to 17, the program addresses the issue of how media stereotypes can lead to self-esteem problems in young girls. It teaches strategies to help girls overcome these limiting stereotypes and to fulfill their potential.



Budget Buddies

Building Capacity for Financial Literacy

Budget Buddies provides intensive, 6-month long financial literacy workshops followed by individual coaching and instruction for low-income women in the Lawrence and Haverhill areas. 



Catholic Charitable Bureau of the Archdiocese of Boston

Career Works (formerly Office Works)

Catholic Charities North, in Lynn, provides an employment-training program for women struggling to meet the needs of their children and households. By developing relationships with area employers, and offering specific training in the skills required for today’s jobs, the program is creating career pathways for women.



Citizens Inn (Formerly Citizens for Adequate Housing)

Career Link

Directed toward the homeless women in Citizens Inn shelters, this Program offers individualized coaching on attaining and sustaining employment as well as other life-changing supports to help families move on to permanent housing.



Esperanza Academy

Summer STEAM Program

Lawrence middle-school girls spend a week at a YMCA camp developing leadership and team-building skills.  They then spend an additional four weeks on campus exploring STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics) subjects through project-based activities.



Girls Inc of Lynn

Teen Leadership Academy

Local women professionals, trained by Girls Inc,mentor at-risk ninth and tenth grade girls over a 13-week period to learn life skills, be personally challenged, and begin planning for their futures.



Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts

FaB Factor

This Girl Scouts program serves 3000 girls in grades K-12 throughout eastern Massachusetts. They expose girls to activities through four modules, including Health and Wellness, Finance and Business, STEM, and Outdoor/Environmental Education.



Gloucester Writers Center

A Group of One’s Own

This series of writing workshops enables a diverse group women, most of whom have experienced abuse, to express themselves through the written word and to share their work with the public in a safe, non-threatening environment.



Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center/Girls Inc. of the Seacoast Area

Getting to the Real YOU

This program teaches fifth and sixth grade girls how to analyze media messages detrimental to self-esteem, question stereotypes, and learn social media safety skills.



Lawrence Community Works

Job Boot Camp

Job Boot Camp trains women to work in the Early Childhood Education field as childcare workers and assistant teachers through intensive work skills and credentialing courses, and paid internships.



Pathways for Children

Parent Mentor Program

Trained volunteer adults mentor other parents who need extra support. These mentors help parents feel less isolated, gain access to community resources, and improve their parenting skills. Mentors meet weekly with their mentees for a year to help them accomplish individual goals.



Plummer Home for Boys

Therapeutic Groups for On-Point Program Girls

At-risk girls from the Salem area work with a licensed clinician who plans activities to help them develop the resilience and skills needed to avoid juvenile detention and to meet their probation requirements. Topics addressed include conflict resolution, substance abuse and wellness. The Program also provides access to various arts activities.



Self-Esteem Boston

Self-Esteem for Success

Programs, conducted at two women’s transitional recovery homes in Lynn and Lawrence, address self-esteem, nutrition and wellness, skills training, and the transition to employment. 




Financial Literacy for Senior Women

Trained volunteers meet regularly with senior women in their homes to help with bill paying, budgeting, debt management, and avoiding financial fraud.



The Psychological Center

Body and Mind Program for Women’s View and Pegasus House

These two transitional homes for women recovering from addiction in Lawrence provide support, structure and counseling, as the women work towards sobriety, increased physical health and independent living.



Youth Development Organization

Afterschool STEM and Arts Enrichment for Girls

Lawrence area under-served girls, selected for their motivation, are offered after-school enrichment in both the arts (piano lessons) and in STEM, in coordination with Science Club for Girls. In a supportive community, girls are encouraged to step into mentorship and teaching roles.



YWCA Northeastern Massachusetts

 Breast Health Outreach Program

The goal of this program is to link Latinas and other medically underserved women to better health care and information relating to breast care, including the importance of mammograms. Health Care Ambassadors hold “charlas” and attend both health fairs and community events to help distribute this vital healthcare information.



YWCA of Newburyport

Encore+ for Breast Cancer Survivors

The YWCA offers two twelve-week programs at no cost for women survivors of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Group exercise classes and warm water pool sessions offer help with range of motion and other physical issues, while peer support groups encourage emotional healing.
